For the event, which takes place in the period 24. - 25.10. 2020, participants must re-apply. The original applications from the March deadline are not valid.
Pre prihlásenie pretekárov vyplňte dokument.
Download the document here:
Please return by 06 October 2020, at the latest to:
Plavecký oddiel Univerzity Mateja Bela Banská Bystrica
Mladežnícka 47
974 04 Banská Bystrica
or na e-mail:
Accommodation and catering order for download:
ORDER – Preliminary Entry Form
List of accommodated:
Please return by 08 September 2020, at the latest to:
Plavecký oddiel Univerzity Mateja Bela Banská Bystrica
Mladežnícka 47
974 04 Banská Bystrica
or na e-mail: